1. In many of the books written by him, Living Buddha Lian Shen has used an affirmative and straight forward approach.Time and again he vindicates himself with absolute sincerity. This is done merely to instill faith into the readers, as they have not attained Buddhahood; and thus will not be able to verify such experience as telepathic spiritual response. Faith is the only way to encourage them to carry on with the spiritual practice. Without faith, no accomplishment can be attained.2. When Buddha Shakyamuni founded Buddhism, his innovative approach had resulted in slanders from the different religious sects which existed then. And now, True Buddha School exhibits creativity for the ease of practice by all sentient beings. The number of people studying the True Buddha Dharma is increasing rapidly. Amongst them are monks from the Mahayana school of Buddhism. Even Living Buddhas from Tibet have taken refuge. It is a very special phenomena which is also very widespread.
Under such circumstances, its formation is bound to invite attacks from various factions, as these people are yet to comprehend what Living Buddha Lian-Shen is doing; and the truth he is espousing.
Each and every one of the books written by Living Buddha Lian Shen can be considered a treasured guide for one to conduct oneself in society. Everybody is urged to do good deeds and shy away from evil behaviour; to accumulate merit and avoid misfortune. Some of the contents are simple doctrines of Buddhism, others - the utmost profound dharma on how to attain Buddhahood.
Living Buddha Lian-Shen is a saint in the secular world; and a Living Bodhisattva in the celestial world. He will salvage many people in the time to come.
3. The main temple of Ling-Xian True Buddha School is situated in Seattle in the USA. The significance is lofty and glorious. The dharma must be sown in the land where Buddhism has little influence on the people , to conform to the Buddha’s wish and -- to succour sentient beings from all ten directions. Moreover, in the future, the dharma will be spread to the whole world, and becomes a beacon guiding human beings away from darkness.
4. There is no hard and fast rule that one must be a vegetarian in order to practise True Buddha dharma. It all boils down to your causation, contigent on your frame of mind. To practise Buddhism one has to eradicate attachment, for attachment is a great hindrance. To salvage more people, the True Buddha School advocates that being a vegetarian or non-vegetarian depends on your causation. Non vegetarians must chant Amitabha`s or Manjusri`s rebirth mantra, and perform purgatorial service on the food, before eating it. By doing so, your undertakings will proceed smoothly and great accomplishment awaits you.
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